Leadership Motivation – Leadership attracts customers

Leadership attracts customers. Grow your MSP by practicing effective strategic leadership

Written by Ian Richardson

October 16, 2023

Leadership Motivation

Leadership Attracts Customers

By Ian Richardson, Principle Consultant, Fox & Crow Group

Inspired by Thursday Process with guest Michael Crean, Solutions Granted

Leadership Motivation

“Is it something I can be proud of?”

My friend Michael Crean, CEO of Solutions Granted, posited that question to me. He was speaking on the concept of business transformation.

Pete Richardson from Paterson Center says “there is power in a well-timed question.” Those questions when posed in the right room to the right people are magic. They can lead to conversations that reveal massive potential and opportunity.

Michael followed up with “is it something that I can find worth and value? Because if I believe in it, then hopefully I can find a way to make others believe in me.” That concept of others believing in you.  Of being willing to follow your lead.  Invest in your future promise. To buy what you are advocating for. These are the keys to entrepreneurial success. Leadership and motivation go hand in hand. When messaged to the marketplace, that leadership/motivation partnership attracts customers.

Leadership Attracts Customers

Leadership has so many definitions. It has become a confusing topic in today’s world.

A strategic focus on belief and inspiration is a smart one. Ensuring that the products or services your organization is offering inspires others. That your team believes in the work you are doing. These are powerful levers that we can harness.

Belief turns into momentum. A forward, positive energy that is so perceivable it can come across like a tangible object. Something that someone can almost pick up and hold and feel. That motivation serves as an attraction mechanism for potential customers.  Individuals  want to buy from a company that they trust. One that showcases that it believes it’s products and services are “good.” Companies that project a sincere desire to “help” others.

This belief and desire projects outwards into marketing, communciation, and actions. Actions that your customers can see and observe. Put a different way, your leadership motivation is contagious.

Final Thoughts on Leadership & Motivation

Motivation is hard to get back once you’ve lost it. I recognize that struggle. I had lost the “passion” around I.T. services work a couple of years before I ended up selling my old I.T. company.

It can be a difficult place to live day to day.  Over the course of a career having to struggle to find the fire needed to grow and scale a business wears you out.

But, if you can answer yes to Michael’s question above. If you can communicate that belief to your team and the marketplace. If you do so, that is lightning in a bottle that you’ve captured.

I’m here to help you capture that lightning. Grab a spot on my calendar to start the conversation here

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