Content Creation requires Process

Content Creation requires Process. Make sure you stick to discipline to achieve marketing results

Written by Ian Richardson

February 12, 2024

Content Creation requires Process

Process lets anyone do any job, and marketing content creation is no different.

Effective, documented process pays its weight in gold.

  • You can plan organization resources allocation.
  • You set expectations for effort
  • You map out impact and outcomes from effort expended
  • You align your team around what matters to organizational strategy.

Last but not least – its near impossible to hold people accountable without process. How can you correct when you didn’t set expectations?

Absence of process creates confusion and annoyance. Avoidable Mistakes, frustrated customers, client churn and employee turnover become common place. Entrepreneurs and leaders in turn become stressed. Avoidable mistakes start to crop up.

In general – the effects start to snowball.

Marketing, and content creation in particular, are incredibly susceptible to lack of process. Without a defined process, costs can sky-rocket and efficacy can plummet. Marketing becomes a cashflow shredder instead of rocket fuel for growth.

We can all agree on the value of avoiding that. Read on to learn more.

A Content Creation Process gives predictable outcomes

A key benefit of content creation process is the “rubber stamp.”

Approval of content across mediums and channels can occur on a predictable cadence. You can stop spending entrepreneurial effort on developing “valuable” content. Process enables teams to develop content in alignment to a “gold-standard” example.

That standard makes review a checklist activity.

The outcomes of your process are predictable.

Jennifer Bleam from MSP Sales Revolution has more to say below.

Predictability is good for you and your audience. If your network knows your content is valuable, they develop expectations. Those expectations lead to dependency on your content. Your marketing material can become resources used by your clients, and prospective clients.

That value is a “loop” where your audience will wait for your next cycle of content. Combining this with effective call to action items will lead to increased opportunity.

Manage exceptions to your content creation process

Process doesn’t get written in stone. As you run through repetitions on content creation, capture learnings. Edit and improve your process. Document the exceptions that occur.

This is a “manage to the exception” rule for process improvement. Find the areas where the process fell down and ask yourself “Why did this fail here?”

When you identify the failure, focus on creating simple guidance on pitfall avoidance.

Take the guidance and iterate the process. Overtime your process will save more time on content creation. You’ll also see improvement on quality and efficacy of your content.

Final Thoughts on content creation process

Content Creation is like any other key business process. Routine entrpreneurial focus must occur to deliver progress. Over time your process will improve both the content and time savings for your team.

If you need a content creation process, consider adopting ours. You can request your copy for free at Whitepapers | Fox & Crow Group (

If you’re looking for help on marketing, we’re here to assist. Book time at: Contact | Fox & Crow Group (

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