Leadership Transitions

leadership transitions with Michelle Accardi

Written by Carrie Richardson

July 18, 2024

Effective Team Management Through Leadership Transitions

-with insights from Michelle Accardi, CEO, Liongard

leadership transitions with Michelle Accardi

Navigating leadership transitions can be a complex and sensitive process for any organization. It requires careful planning, clear communication, and an empathetic approach to ensure stability and continued success. Michelle Accardi joined Carrie Richardson on the Fox and Crow Group podcast WIN – What’s Important Now to share her experience joining the attack surface management platform, LionGard, and replacing the founder as CEO.

leadership transitions with Michelle accardi WIN cover art

You can listen to WIN on all major podcast platforms, or on the MSP podcast network site; Your IT Podcasts

Understanding the Dynamics of Leadership Transition

Leadership transitions bring both opportunities and challenges.

Michelle Accardi, in her role as CEO of LionGard, has firsthand experience in guiding teams through such changes. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique strengths and skill sets of each team member, stating, “You have to look at the skill sets of everyone that’s in an organization and figure out, can you leverage those skill sets to make you go farther? Put people where their talents are best served.”

Building on Foundational Vision

When Michelle Accardi took over as CEO from LionGard’s founder Joe Alapat, she recognized the importance of building on the existing vision while also bringing her unique strengths to the table. “Joe is a phenomenal founder and visionary. A lot of CEOs who are coming in are looking to move out a founder. When I came into LionGard, what I saw was, here’s this incredible visionary,” she remarked. This collaborative approach allowed Joe to focus on his strengths as a product visionary while Michelle concentrated on driving growth and expanding the business.

Creating a Culture of Flow and 10X Performance

A significant part of managing a leadership transition is fostering a culture where everyone can thrive in their “flow state.” Michelle describes this as being “in your flow state when the activities that you’re doing are easy and fun, and you’re able to bring the best of yourself.” For Joe, this meant focusing on product development, which led to the re-emphasis on LionGard as a cybersecurity platform. “We are now a full-fledged cybersecurity company with a cyber risk dashboard that shows folks their cyber posture tied to cyber insurance controls,” she shared.

Implementing Core Values and Sense of Urgency

Michelle introduced a new core value to LionGard’s existing ones: a sense of urgency. She explained, “What I didn’t see was us prioritizing and leaning into a sense of urgency.” This core value was embodied by new executives like Chief Sales Officer Jason Macias and CMO Stephanie Weigel, who modeled this behavior at the executive level, thus setting an example for the rest of the organization.

Promoting an Abundance Mindset

Transition periods can be fraught with fear and uncertainty, but Michelle advocates for an abundance mindset. “So much of my focus…has always been about how do I get them to see the world in a positive light versus a fearful light,” she noted. This mindset is crucial for leaders managing a transition, as it helps instill confidence and optimism within the team.

Engaging and Building Relationships

Michelle stresses the importance of building strong relationships during a leadership transition. Talk to someone new, ask people how they’re solving problems that you’re dealing with. “Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable,” she advises. This approach not only helps in sharing valuable insights but also in building a supportive network.

Strategic Staffing and Empowerment

Understanding the strengths and potential of team members is critical. Michelle suggests, “Having those open, honest, and transparent conversations about where people’s 10X is, and their 10X may be with the organization, or it may be outside of an organization.” This transparency helps in aligning individual goals with the organization’s vision, ensuring that everyone is contributing to their fullest potential.

RoarCon: A Platform for Growth and Learning

LionGard’s upcoming RoarCon event embodies the principles Michelle has instilled in the company. She explains, “It’s about a sense of urgency, right? Ultimately it’s been a vision of the company to have this conference for a long time.” The event will provide a platform for MSPs to engage in real conversations about business challenges and growth strategies.

RoarCon will take place from July 23rd to 25th in Frisco,

Texas, featuring keynote speaker Eric O’Neill, a cybersecurity expert and former FBI operative.

Attendees will benefit from sessions on thought leadership and technical tracks, designed to address the real business challenges faced by MSPs. Michelle emphasizes the importance of these interactions, stating, “It’s going to be a place where real networking can happen. Real conversations about real business challenges.”

FAQs About Managing Leadership Transition

How can leaders effectively communicate during a leadership transition?

Effective communication during a leadership transition involves transparency, consistency, and empathy. Leaders should provide clear updates about the transition process, address concerns promptly, and maintain open channels for feedback. Michelle Accardi stresses the importance of building relationships and being vulnerable to foster trust and collaboration.

What role does company culture play in a successful leadership transition?

Company culture is crucial in a successful leadership transition. Michelle Accardi highlights the importance of core values such as a sense of urgency and an abundance mindset. By reinforcing these values, leaders can create a supportive environment that encourages adaptability and resilience among team members.

How can leaders ensure they are leveraging the strengths of their team during a transition?

Leaders should identify and leverage the unique skill sets of their team members. Michelle advises, “You have to look at the skill sets of everyone that’s in an organization and figure out, can you leverage those skill sets to make you go farther? Put people where their talents are best served.” This approach helps optimize team performance and drive organizational success.

What strategies can leaders use to maintain productivity during a transition?

To maintain productivity during a transition, leaders should focus on creating a culture of flow and 10X performance. Michelle Accardi suggests fostering an environment where activities are enjoyable and aligned with individuals’ strengths. Additionally, implementing a sense of urgency and prioritizing tasks can help keep the team focused and productive.

How can leaders build an abundance mindset within their teams?

Building an abundance mindset involves encouraging a positive outlook and reducing fear-based thinking. Michelle Accardi advocates for teaching team members to see opportunities rather than limitations. By promoting open communication, celebrating successes, and providing growth opportunities, leaders can instill an abundance mindset within their teams.

What should leaders prioritize when planning a leadership transition?

When planning a leadership transition, leaders should prioritize clear communication, strategic staffing, and maintaining core values. Michelle emphasizes the importance of open and honest conversations about team members’ strengths and roles. Additionally, leaders should focus on maintaining the organization’s vision and adapting it to new opportunities.

Managing a team through a leadership transition requires a strategic and empathetic approach. By recognizing and leveraging the unique strengths of each team member, fostering a culture of flow and 10X performance, implementing core values, and maintaining an abundance mindset, leaders can navigate these transitions successfully. As Michelle Accardi’s experience at LionGard shows, effective leadership during these times can drive significant growth and innovation.

By incorporating these strategies and insights, leaders can ensure a smooth and successful transition that benefits both the organization and its team members.

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See You at Roarcon!

For those looking to gain more insights and strategies for managing business growth and challenges, don’t miss Ian Richardson’s session at LionGard’s RoarCon titled “Stop Losing Deals.” It promises to be an invaluable resource for MSPs and business leaders alike.

Planning a Leadership Transition?

Fox and Crow Group can help!

Schedule some time with Carrie Richardson to chat, or subscribe to our newsletter if you’re not quite ready to begin the conversation.

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