MSP Prospecting Strategy Should Focus on Influencers

carrie richardson msp prospecting strategy

Understanding Your True Champions When MSP Prospecting

When prospecting for managed IT services, it’s easy to assume that the best first contact is at the top: the CEO or a C-level executive. This approach often falls short. While the C-suite controls budgets and makes final decisions, they are not always the individuals most affected by the day-to-day struggles of inefficient IT systems.

Carrie Richardson, MSP sales expert and partner at Fox and Crow Group, highlights this with a compelling quote:

“When the CEO brings an idea to their office manager, the idea gets put out to tender. When the office manager brings an idea to the CEO, it gets implemented.”

This quote perfectly illustrates a key point: those closest to the problem are often the ones who can drive the solution forward. Today we’re exploring how MSPs can create a successful MSP prospecting strategy by focusing on office managers and other key influencers, rather than exclusively targeting the C-suite.

Why the C-Suite Isn’t Always the Best First Contact

The C-suite, while important, isn’t always the best first touchpoint in most MSP cold calling campaigns for several reasons.  The first reason is this:  C level decision makers are more difficult to engage with.  They don’t answer their phones, they use assistants to protect their time, and they’re often not in the office.  Here are some other reasons that cold calling into the c-suite can be less effective:

  • Less IT Reliance: CEOs, COOs, and CFOs often use their computers less frequently than other employees. They’re financially impacted by IT issues, but they’re not dealing with the everyday frustrations of downtime, slow networks, or malfunctioning systems.
  • Prioritized on Financial Outcomes: While IT issues can hurt the bottom line, they don’t always feel the pain directly. Their concern is more macro, focusing on strategic growth and revenue impact rather than operational efficiency.
  • Decision Bottlenecks: When you reach out to the C-suite, your message is often filtered down to the very people whose day-to-day lives are impacted by IT issues. This adds layers to the decision-making process, delaying actions that could benefit both the MSP and the company.

Office Managers and Influencers: Your True MSP Champions

Instead of pursuing top executives,  focus on those who directly experience IT challenges: office managers and department heads. These individuals are often the influencers and champions in the sales process. Here’s why:

  • Direct Impact on Workflow: These employees interact with technology daily. When things break, slow down, or don’t work correctly, their job performance suffers. They are motivated to find solutions quickly, making them the perfect advocates for your MSP services.
  • Problem Solvers in the Organization: Office managers and department leaders are tasked with keeping the workflow smooth. They are the first to notice when something goes wrong and are responsible for finding solutions, which makes them more open to hearing from an MSP that can provide reliable services.
  • Influential with Upper Management: These influencers often have the ear of the decision-makers. If they can make a strong case for why your services are needed, the C-suite is far more likely to listen to their input. This is where your MSP prospecting strategy should shine—helping these champions build a compelling argument for using your services.

How to Help Influencers Make the Case for Your MSP Services

To succeed in reaching the influencers and office managers, your messaging and approach need to be fine-tuned. Here are some strategies to help:

  1. Speak Their Language: Focus on how your MSP services will reduce daily frustrations, boost productivity, and make their jobs easier. The key here is empathy—acknowledge the pain points they face and show how you can resolve them.
  2. Provide Them with Data: Equip these influencers with data and case studies they can bring to the C-suite. Numbers on cost-savings, efficiency improvements, and success stories from similar companies can help them make a more convincing case.
  3. Offer Quick Wins: Office managers and department heads appreciate quick solutions. Highlight the immediate improvements your services can bring. Quick fixes that don’t require large-scale changes are more likely to get their attention.
  4. Build Trust and Relationships: Your goal is to be seen as a trusted advisor, not just a service provider. Regular check-ins, sharing valuable insights, and offering solutions that genuinely benefit their team will make influencers more likely to champion your cause.
  5. Customize Your Approach: Different influencers have different priorities. Tailor your outreach to align with their specific departmental goals. Office managers might care more about streamlining communication between departments, while the controller will care about predictable expenses and cost/value of services compared to their current provider.

 Focus on Champions

The days of targeting only the C-suite in MSP cold calling campaigns should be behind us.

Understanding the power of influencers—those who experience IT pain points firsthand—can help MSPs create a more effective MSP prospecting strategy.

Office managers, department heads, and IT staff are motivated to find solutions that will make their daily operations smoother and more productive. Give them the tools to advocate for your services, and they can become your biggest champions within the organization.

A Reminder to Qualify MSP Prospects At First Point of Contact

The champions and influencers will be easier to reach than the C-suite, but that doesn’t mean you want to waste time talking to prospects that are not qualified – make sure you spend your initial prospecting calls determining that the lead meets your qualifying parameters:  are they in the right industry, do they have the right number of computers, do they have an outsourced IT partner, are there issues?  While no call is ever a waste of time – relationships are important – repeated calls into organizations that aren’t good fits for MSP services waste the very limited time you have to reach prospects that are qualified and interested. Learn how to qualify your prospects quickly to eliminate wasted time.

Ready to improve your MSP sales prospecting?

Test drive the Fox and Crow Group MSP Sales Process for 30 days, free of charge, and learn how to empower your champions to drive sales success. Schedule a call with Carrie today and start transforming your sales approach!

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