Want to Change The World? Start by taking a Free Sales Course for MSPs.
Ian Richardson believes you can change the world as an MSP, but only if you can catch the attention of the people building the backbone of the economy: the small business owner.(EMBED video snip from Channel Pro)As managed IT services providers, and security evangelists, we all need to try harder to convince the world's small business owners of the importance of protecting their businesses from evolving cyber threats. We need to show them that technology is here to serve their interests and save them time - not be a continuous source of fear and frustration.Do you believe that a business without appropriate technology will never grow at the pace of their competitors?Do you know without a doubt that an amateur-level network built by an unqualified competitor could be the reason a small business fails?Have you already seen first-hand the heartbreak of an entrepreneur whose entire livelihood is at-risk from poor security practices?When small businesses fail, communities are impacted. Unemployment rises. Choices are reduced. People lose services. Grocery stores. Restaurants. Business service providers. On a larger scale, it impacts health care, education, banking...
Why is Fox and Crow offering a Free Sales Course For MSPs?
We believe that we can help MSPs change the world by teaching them how to talk to their prospects. That's all sales is - a conversation. One conversation, at the right time, with the right person, can change the trajectory of your MSP business forever.
Taking A Free Sales Course for MSPs will Change Your MSP:
Ian tells the story of how he landed his first "whale" client, and what happened after:"When my partner was expecting our first child, I accompanied her to her doctors appointments. I noticed there were some I.T. challenges while observing the offices, treatment rooms and reception area. I reached out to the owner of the practice so I could them to tell them what I had seen and what the impact on their practice would be if it wasn't resolved. They took the meeting with me.That office became our first 6 figure ARR client. From that opportunity, we were referred into another medical practice of equal size, effectively doubling the size of my MSP in 90 days. We became a niche-specific MSP and cold outreach became a lot easier. We didn't have to rely on referrals to grow, and we grew at an award-winning pace."Imagine how different Ian's story would have been if he hadn't been able to make that outbound call, or have the right conversation with the right person. His business would have been a lot different. Imagine if the challenges he had identified hadn't been resolved - because no one brought it to their attention - and it had somehow impacted their practice and put the health of his partner and son at risk?MSPs protect our communities, and you should be comfortable talking about how.
Why is Fox and Crow Offering A Free Sales Course for MSPs?
Because we want you to change the world.(and because we hope MSP owners will see how simple the MSP Sales Process is to use and follow and buy the full version - if that doesn't make sense to you, book a call with us to talk about marketing strategy!)We want you feeling competent and confident.We want you to stop paying outrageous fees to third party agencies when you can handle sales and marketing in-house at a fraction of the cost. We want you to understand that sales isn't the three-headed monster you think it is. Sales for MSPs is two business owners sharing best practices and learning more about each other. Sales has nothing to do with "challenging" people. Sales has no business taping aspirin tablets to letters. Sales is genuine curiosity about another business owners goals, and a sincere desire to make a difference.
Can A Sales Rep Take This Free Sales Course for MSPs?
This course is focused on peer to peer selling strategies. You build your business CEO to CEO until your revenue and cash flow allow you to hire a sales rep, and a sales rep will not use the same outreach process as the business owner. We have other courses for sales reps, this is not the course for them.